University of Nebraska Medical Center

Research Scholars

Current Scholars

Assistant Professor, UNMC College of Public Health
Project: Efficient Distributed Algorithms for Positive-Unlabeled Learning to Understand Long-term COVID Association with Myocarditis and Thrombosis
Mentors: Hongying Dai, PhD; Mark Rupp, MD; Stephen Rennard, MD; Ying Zhang, PhD, all UNMC

Ran Dai, PhD

Assistant Professor, UNMC Division of Oncology & Hematology
Project: Prebiotic Therapy to Target the Microbiome during CAR T-Cell Therapy for Lymphoma
Mentors: Peter Mannon, MD; Matt Lunning, DO; Julie Vose, MD, all UNMC; Alex Herrera, MD, City of Hope

Christopher D'Angelo, MD

Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism
Project: Identifying Immune Markers to Predict Thyroid Cancer Prognosis
Mentors: Whitney Goldner, MD; Robert Bennett, PhD; Hamid Band, PhD; Apar Ganit, MD, all UNMC

Anupam Kotwal, MD

Assistant Professor, UNO School of Health and Kinesiology
Project: Reducing Disparities in Sport Participation for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Mentor: David Dzewaltowski, PhD, UNMC

Michaela Schenkelberg, PhD

Associate Professor, UNMC College of Allied Health Professions
Project: Optimizing Movement and Physical Activity after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Mentors: Kaleb Michaud, PhD; Andrew Dudley, PhD, both UNMC; Yvonne Golightly, PT, PhD, UNC Chapel Hill

Elizabeth Wellsandt, PhD

Scholar Alumni

Assistant Professor, UNMC College of Nursing
Project: An Intervention to Promote Exercise in Adults with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
External funding: R01

Associate Professor, UNL Department of Psychology, Institute for Ethnic Studies
Project: Enhancing Fotonovelas to Leverage Informal Networks and Improve Connections to Services
External funding: COBRE

Associate Professor, UNO College of Public Affairs and Community Service, Department of Gerontology
Project: The Psychological, Neural, and Hormonal Bases of Caregiver Compassion Fatigue
External funding: COBRE

Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Oncology & Hematology
Project: Impact of Clinicogenetic Risk-Stratified Management on Outcomes of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Older Patients, phase II trial
External funding: R01

Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology
Project: Multimorbidity Phenotypes and their Relationship with Patient Outcomes and Health Care Utilization in U.S. Veterans with Rheumatoid Arthritis
External funding: VA Career Development

Director, Cognitive and Sensory Imaging Laboratory, Boys Town National Research Hospital
Project: Multimodal Investigation into the Effects of Hearing Loss on Cognitive and Neural Development
External funding: COBRE

Associate Professor, Emory University School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology
Project: Estimation of Effective Field of View and Awareness of Visual Deficits in a Naturalistic Environment

Research Director, UNMC Department of Psychiatry
Project: Determining the Impact of Oxytocin on the Neural Mechanisms of Irritability and Emotional Dysregulation in the Pediatric Population
External funding: U01

Associate Professor, UNMC College of Pharmacy
Project: Clinical Pharmacology of Efavirenz Combined with High Dose Rifapentine
External funding: K23

Hearing Scientist, Apple
Previous: Boys Town National Research Hospital
Project: A Physiologically Based and Technically Rigorous Approach to Treating Hearing Loss
External funding: R01